WESTERN UGANDA WOMEN ENTREPRENUERS DAIS LTD (WUWED) was started in 2021 as an Association to help women entrepreneurs to address business gaps that were hindering business growth and sustainability with in western region.
Initially women entrepreneurs could start their business and fail to celebrate the first year of anniversary due to limited capital base, access to favorable financial options and business skills. WUWED started with the aim of equipping women individuals, groups, enterprises, and entities with business skills and by 2021 due to COVID-19 effects, 50% of women businesses that were selected had formally registered with WUWED .The DIAS aims at offering a platform to women entrepreneurs to network, collaborate in business deals and work together.
In January, 2022, Directors observed good progress that propelled them to formally legalize ‘’WESTERN UGANDA WOMEN ENTREPRENUERS DAIS LTD’’ as accompany under the Laws of the Republic of Uganda on 20th September 2022 (Company Registration No. 80020003824991) and was duly registered with the Uganda Registration services Bureau (URSB) and is allowed to operate as a company limited by guarantee. The DAIS further supported its members to formalize sub regional platforms. i.e Rwenzori women Business Network, Kigezi among others were registered.
The Company was formed with the aim of contributing to the socio-economic development of the targeted women groups and associations in SMEs. The target group for WUWED comprises of existing rural and urban entrepreneurs particularly women and young girls of age and women groups in retail and mechanize like retail business, farming, Art and crafts, Groceries, Mobile money/Agency banking etc in western -Uganda, with emphasis on offering world class business growth services that included business coaching and mentorship, capacity building in business and Entrepreneurship skills, business advisory services, market intelligence, IT business and consultancy.
The company has a team of competent Board of Director & professionals from a wide spectrum such as community development specialists, Entrepreneurship and Women empowerment expert, business forecast professionals, Value chain developers, project planning and management, monitoring and evaluation and legal specialists with a wealth of experience.