WESTERN UGANDA WOMEN ENTREPRENUERS DAIS LTD (WUWED) was started in 2021 as an Association to help women entrepreneurs to address business gaps that were hindering business growth and sustainability with in western region.

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Western Uganda Women Entreprenuership Dais

WESTERN UGANDA WOMEN ENTREPRENUERS DAIS LTD (WUWED) was started in 2021 as an Association to help women entrepreneurs to address business gaps that were hindering business growth and sustainability with in western region.

Initially women entrepreneurs could start their business and fail to celebrate the first year of anniversary due to limited capital base, access to favorable financial options and business skills. WUWED started with the aim of equipping women individuals, groups, enterprises, and entities with business skills and by 2021 due to COVID-19 effects, 50% of women businesses that were selected had formally registered with WUWED .The DIAS aims at offering a platform to women entrepreneurs to network, collaborate in business deals and work together.

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Creative Solutions

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Andrew Wills
Web Developer
Alisha Smith
Event Organizer
Robert White
Marketing Head
Sarah George
Sales Manager
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